Tag Archives: PS3

Mellow Gaming: Earth Defense Force 2025

EDF 2025

So whilst we still have quite a few episodes of the Bruce Willis starring classic Apocalypse to go, Paul and I got together to record some new stuff. We’re taking a little bit of a monster theme this month to tie in with my Godzilla film season that will be starting on The Film Dump soon. We recorded two different games, one as a series and one as a one off. The one off game will be posted a few weeks from now. For now, here’s Earth Defense Force 2025. As new episodes are uploaded I’ll add them into here. There will also be a playlist on the youtube channel you can use to watch as they’re added too. Click the link below to see the episodes uploaded so far.


Mellow Gaming: WWE 2K14


One of the few games I’ve bothered to write a review for on this here blog was WWE ’13. Since then THQ has gone bust, 2K Games have picked up the rights to the WWE game series and here it is. I’m not sure if I’ll actually write a review for this due to the amount of time I spend writing stuff for Film Dump and whatnot but, short review, WWE 2K14 is a pretty damn solid game. Still has a few issues but they’re nowhere near the level of glaring issues the last dozen WWE games have had. All told it’s probably the best of this generation. Anyway, Paul and I decided to play some of Universe mode and we recorded it all, along with our boring ass voices for you to “enjoy”. Click the link for the videos which will be added as I get them released.

How many Vince McMahons does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. The lightbulb screwed itself.

Mellow Gaming: Grand Theft Auto V


I thought it would make a nice change to play a game with Paul on Mellow Gaming that people might actually want to watch/give two shits about. With that in mind we’re playing Grand Theft Auto V. We’ve recorded 2 hours of the game which will be posted here gradually over the next few weeks. There’s still some Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed to come too so please do check that post from time to time. Obviously, once we’re done with GTA V We’ll go back to the usual games no-one cares about. For now, click the link for some GTA V action.

Remember the GTA rap from the early games? I miss that.

Mellow Gaming: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


I’ve reviewed Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on this site already. You’ve only got to cycle back a few posts for that. The game is criminally under-rated and deserved way more sales than it received. So here’s a Mellow Gaming video about 5 people will watch to help you see just how brilliantly fun and fast paced the game is. People have been calling the reveal of Mario kart 8 as looking like a hybrid of Mario Kart and F-Zero. That’s silly because Mario Kart is not fast. F-Zero is fast. Sonic Racing is fast. Hell, Nintendo should get Sumo Digital to handle an F-Zero game for the Wii U seeing as they can’t come up with any ideas themselves as to what to do with the franchise. Anyway, Sonic Racing Transformed, videos after the link!

Gotta go fast!!

Mellow Gaming: Twisted Metal World Tour

MG Twisted Metal WT Thumbnail

Yes it’s that time again! The time where I bother to get another of these videos made. Gotta love the strict whenever-the-hell-I-feel-like-it schedule I’ve stuck to so rigidly. This time Paul and I are playing the game that made me (and Paul) fall in love with the Playstation, Twisted Metal World Tour. Here’s a game I owned before actually owning a Playstation. That’s how much I liked it. I had to have a copy I could take to my friends whilst I waited to get my own console. Unfortunately, it appears all that time spent playing it 15 years ago hasn’t translated to some sort of latent muscle memory. As you’ll see. Also, Twisted Metal World Tour isn’t the only new Mellow Gaming video we’ve made. There may well be something else coming soon to sit along side this. I say “may well”, I should say that there is. There is another video to come. Click the link for Twisted Metal World Tour fun!

Remember the PSOne Twisted Metals after this? No? Then you’re lucky.

These Streets Be Full Of Rage… 3


Finally got around to making new Mellow Gaming videos. One day I’ll make a new Retro-Perspective. Anyway, this time Myself and Paul decided to play some Streets of Rage 3… after I had to purchase the Streets of Rage collection from Xbox live because Streets of Rage 2 would only start up as a trial. Despite me having achievements for it. And having redownloaded it. And being online. Yay for online DRM requirements eh? Anyway, click the link below to watch the various parts as I get around to uploading them!

My rage has never been so unbridled.

Game Review No.8: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


Available on: Xbox 360 (version tested), PS3, WiiU, PC, 3DS, Vita

Bit of a mouthful that title. And that’s after they removed the context giving “Sega” from it. Now they’re just all-stars. All-stars of what? I dunno. Not Sega though… If it was it would have said so right? Fun fact, The devs refer to these games internally as SSR, as in Sega Superstar Racing. That was the original title of the first game until the higher ups decide Sonic needed his name all over dat shit. Yup, despite the fact the Sonic games have been spotty at best the last… oooh… 15 years, they figured the name still had enough value to chuck it on the box. At this time I point out that the Super Smash Bros games aren’t called Super Mario and the Smash Bros All-Star Fighting Country Vacation. Dear Sega, you have more characters than Sonic. Maybe if you used them a little more you wouldn’t feel compelled to rely on the blue hog all the time. Anyway, I’ve got a review to write, for a game I will refer to from now on as SSR Transformed. Because sod typing that full title out each time. Also, Sega Superstar Racing sounds better.

Gotta go fast!

Game Review No.7: Far Cry 3


Available on: Xbox 360 (Version tested), PS3 & PC

It’s been a while since I’ve done a game review. Don’t really have an excuse. Just been busy with various other things. But, in the last few months, I have built up a backlog of games that require a bit of the old reviewing from me and so I’m gonna try to get that ball rolling with today’s game, Far Cry 3. Eventually I’ll get around to reviewing the other games I’ve recently finished off, such as Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed and Bioshock Infinite but for now you’ll have to make do with a game released last year that everyone else has already played to death. Click the link or something.

Why don’t game writers “get” storytelling?

Something Mellow This Way Comes…

Mellow Panda

The other day I got myself one of them Blue Yeti studio mic thingies. Because I hate the sound of my own voice I naturally decided the best thing to do would be to get a friend around (In this case my buddy Luke) and commentate over a crappy game we decided to play. We’re kind of a chilled pair, not ones for exaggeration or acts of silliness so what was recorded that day was quite… mellow. Here’s the first part of the video series that may well turn into a thing if I can learn how to present it better and find a way to make everything that little bit funnier. Click the link to see the video and subscribe to my Youtube channel if, for some reason, you think you’d like to see more.

They call me smellow yellow.

Games Review No.6: Spec Ops – The Line


Available on: Xbox 360, PS3 & PC
Version reviewed: Xbox 360

You know, it kinda sucks when great games get largely ignored by the masses. Even more so when the game, outwardly at least, appears to fit directly into the sort of generic cookie cutter design that a lot of the best sellers do, such as, the generally boring as all hell Call Of Duty series. Spec Ops: The Line appears at first glance to be a by the numbers cover based military shooter, the likes of which are everywhere these days. It even spends the first couple of hours convincing you that this is exactly what it is. And then stuff happens. Dark miserable and nasty stuff that sticks with you. The game starts to turn into one of the most memorable and intelligently crafted pieces of drama every produced in the realm of videogames. How does developer Yager manage this? I’ll probably tell you after the jump. That’s if I can do it without spoiling anything.

Fun fact: this game is part of a series of military shooters from years back that no-one remembers now and that this game has little resemblance to.