Mellow Gaming: Godzilla Save The Earth


If you’ve been reading my reviews on The Film Dump you may have noticed that I just got done reviewing 27 Godzilla films in a row. To tie into all this Godzilla madness, that I’m now finally done with, here’s myself and Paul playing Godzilla Save The Earth on Xbox in the latest episode of Mellow Gaming! Click the link below for the video.

It’s a veritable monster mash

Mellow Gaming: Earth Defense Force 2025

EDF 2025

So whilst we still have quite a few episodes of the Bruce Willis starring classic Apocalypse to go, Paul and I got together to record some new stuff. We’re taking a little bit of a monster theme this month to tie in with my Godzilla film season that will be starting on The Film Dump soon. We recorded two different games, one as a series and one as a one off. The one off game will be posted a few weeks from now. For now, here’s Earth Defense Force 2025. As new episodes are uploaded I’ll add them into here. There will also be a playlist on the youtube channel you can use to watch as they’re added too. Click the link below to see the episodes uploaded so far.


Mellow Gaming: Apocalypse


There was a time when Neversoft was one of the top Playstation 1 developers. Their Spider-man game rocked and their Tony Hawks Skateboarding games were a genuine revolution. Before making either of those games, though, they contracted the talents of Mr Demi Moore himself, Bruce Willis. This was during a period where people had stopped giving a crap about Bruce Willis because he had clearly stopped giving a crap about what he did, and so, he agreed to star in a random game he likely knew nothing about and probably forgot existed a week after recording his lines. That game was Apocalypse and it’s actually kinda decent. In this post I’ll be compiling all the videos we made as I upload them to the Youtubes. Click the link to see the videos!

Lock and load!

Mellow Gaming: Future Cop LAPD

Mellow gaming Future Cop thumbnail

So we finally got around to recording something new for Mellow Gaming, although there is at least one more WWE 2K14 video to go. So, we went a bit retro and decided to play a little Future Cop LAPD. This was a game Paul and I played a fair amount in our youth-ish days and was pretty much always in our rotation of dumb action games along with Twisted Metal and Rogue Trip. And now we’re sharing that big dumb fun with you. As usually I’ll post the episodes here as they get put to Youtube over the next few weeks. One day we’ll do a massive recording session and be able to put out vids daily. One day.

You have 15 seconds to comply.

Mellow Gaming: WWE 2K14


One of the few games I’ve bothered to write a review for on this here blog was WWE ’13. Since then THQ has gone bust, 2K Games have picked up the rights to the WWE game series and here it is. I’m not sure if I’ll actually write a review for this due to the amount of time I spend writing stuff for Film Dump and whatnot but, short review, WWE 2K14 is a pretty damn solid game. Still has a few issues but they’re nowhere near the level of glaring issues the last dozen WWE games have had. All told it’s probably the best of this generation. Anyway, Paul and I decided to play some of Universe mode and we recorded it all, along with our boring ass voices for you to “enjoy”. Click the link for the videos which will be added as I get them released.

How many Vince McMahons does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. The lightbulb screwed itself.

Mellow Gaming: Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Turbo

Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Turbo

I thought we’d go for something a little bit different for the latest Mellow Gaming episode. Instead of some big flashy game that has 4 billion videos on the Youtubes we, instead, are playing a tiny little game that only costs 69p. So here’s me making Paul play Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Turbo! If you like what you see then go buy the game. Video is after the link!

This link has dysentery and has died.

Mellow Gaming: Grand Theft Auto V


I thought it would make a nice change to play a game with Paul on Mellow Gaming that people might actually want to watch/give two shits about. With that in mind we’re playing Grand Theft Auto V. We’ve recorded 2 hours of the game which will be posted here gradually over the next few weeks. There’s still some Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed to come too so please do check that post from time to time. Obviously, once we’re done with GTA V We’ll go back to the usual games no-one cares about. For now, click the link for some GTA V action.

Remember the GTA rap from the early games? I miss that.

Mellow Gaming: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


I’ve reviewed Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on this site already. You’ve only got to cycle back a few posts for that. The game is criminally under-rated and deserved way more sales than it received. So here’s a Mellow Gaming video about 5 people will watch to help you see just how brilliantly fun and fast paced the game is. People have been calling the reveal of Mario kart 8 as looking like a hybrid of Mario Kart and F-Zero. That’s silly because Mario Kart is not fast. F-Zero is fast. Sonic Racing is fast. Hell, Nintendo should get Sumo Digital to handle an F-Zero game for the Wii U seeing as they can’t come up with any ideas themselves as to what to do with the franchise. Anyway, Sonic Racing Transformed, videos after the link!

Gotta go fast!!

Mellow Gaming: Twisted Metal World Tour

MG Twisted Metal WT Thumbnail

Yes it’s that time again! The time where I bother to get another of these videos made. Gotta love the strict whenever-the-hell-I-feel-like-it schedule I’ve stuck to so rigidly. This time Paul and I are playing the game that made me (and Paul) fall in love with the Playstation, Twisted Metal World Tour. Here’s a game I owned before actually owning a Playstation. That’s how much I liked it. I had to have a copy I could take to my friends whilst I waited to get my own console. Unfortunately, it appears all that time spent playing it 15 years ago hasn’t translated to some sort of latent muscle memory. As you’ll see. Also, Twisted Metal World Tour isn’t the only new Mellow Gaming video we’ve made. There may well be something else coming soon to sit along side this. I say “may well”, I should say that there is. There is another video to come. Click the link for Twisted Metal World Tour fun!

Remember the PSOne Twisted Metals after this? No? Then you’re lucky.

You’re Not The One, But You’re The Xbox One.


I don’t tend to do editorials here, or on The Film Dump for that matter. I could easily. I tend to be prone to the occasional rant about stuff that’s bothering me in the film and games industries, but usually I hold back to let other, more eloquent/humorous people handle that sort of thing. Although I did write quite a rant about that hack Brett Ratner once. It was fun. This week, though, I feel I have been pushed to writing another rant type thing. This isn’t just about the Xbox One. This is about, as I see it, the looming death of the console market and the traditional aspects of gaming. Click the link for my full mass of opinions and semi-informed judgements!

No, I didn’t have a better title to use.