Retro-Perspectives No.1: WWF Attitude

Re-edited the video in the hopes WWE won’t try to remove it again. Not monetising it though cos I’m willing to bet it will get removed.

Well here it is. the first glorious/terrible post on The Games Dump. Took me a while to make this video as, to be honest, I’m a total amateur at all things editing. I did try making a video years back but it was awful. This is my first attempt at actually presenting a look back at a piece of retro gaming. For some reason I chose WWF Attitude for the PSOne. What’s really good about this is that I got halfway through editing it before I realised I had the Dreamcast version of the game. So apologies for the crappy graphics. The Retro-Perspective posts will be similar to this. Mostly factual but light hearted looks at older games. Where possible I’m gonna try to take on ones that don’t often get mentioned. I also have plans to do a few live commentary videos and ones called No Continue where I see how far I can get on a game I suck at without using a continue. Some of those will be short. For now click the link to see my amateurish as hell Retro-Perspective No.1…

So yeah, that’s my crappy video. Tell me how much you thought it sucked. Gonna go for something a little more dynamic visually next time.

About lvl54spacemonkey

Just a dude who likes movies and games and has delusions of working in one of those industries. Write screenplays and work on short films in my spare time. Most of which never get finished. View all posts by lvl54spacemonkey

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